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On this page you'll find lots of information to do with bus companies, vehicles & other helpful information which may help you when looking for a new job, or looking to become a bus driver. The other information will just be general information to do with the industry as well as to do with the vehicles and equipment you may find.

Interactive Map

Click on any part of the map and you will find information out for the relevant areas

In each section you will find out:

- Companies which will put you through your PSV test

- Information regarding each company (e.g Phone number, Address, Website information & Email).

- Average wage in this area (this will be correct as of date specified).

- Contact name or Department if known.

- Vehicles operated (Correct as of date).

- Rough Depot Size (PVR).

- Route Info (Brief Summary).

*Some information may be added at a later date due to getting the information accessible for others!


All the information gathered has been through my own research and has sufficient reason to be correct. Information will have been found on company website or through appropriate hiring sites (e.g Indeed & LinkedIn). 



Web Page info currently Work In Progress!

Interactive Map

Step by step process to become a Bus Driver!

This section will give you a rough step by step process to becoming a bus driver. Please remember it is your responsibility to complete each step appropriately. All we can do is give you guidance but if you follow it you will be able to achieve your PCV license including your DQC card.

Step 1 - Can You Become Bus Driver?

Firstly to become a bus driver and get your PCV licence you must be 18 years old, some companies have minimum age requirements such as you must be 21 to train/work for them so research into company policies to see if your qualify for their requirements. 

Step 2- Finding A Bus / Coach Company

Find a company where you would like to do your training and where you would like to drive, look long term for the company and location as you would usually be in a bond for approximately 2 years. Bonds are normally anything from £1000 - £3000 so if you do not like the company and want to leave before the bond ends be prepared to pay a price!


(So for this step you will need to look above for potential companies you would like to work for.)

Step 3 - Application / Interview

Once you have found a company you like and have applied for a position and passed a licence check and basic questions that may come with the application, if you're successful you will be invited for an interview. Each company has a different interview procedure but some things you can expect is; driving assessment, literacy and numeracy test, basic theory/highway code test, and the sit down interview itself where you will have to answer questions that will convince your potential employer to employ you to get your PCV licence. 

PCV Medical 

After your interview you will have to pass a medical test that will deem if you can safely gain your PCV licence. The medical will consist of: an eyesight test, blood pressure check, height and weight check, general health related questions and if you take any persistent medication. The person doing your test will fill out the D4 form that will need to be sent off with the D2 form you will need to fill in, in order to have the provisional entitlement on your licence. (There is no application fee.)

Module 1a + 1b - PCV Multiple Choice & Hazard Perception

Revising for your theory test requires a lot of revision and to have an extensive knowledge of the topic areas. You have 1 hour 55 minutes to complete the multiply choice test and are required to get 85/100 or more to pass. For the hazard perception there is 19 clips, each clip has 1 hazard with 1 clip having 2 hazards, the pass mark is 67/100. This is one of the most important stages in getting your license. (Theory test is valid for 2 years.)

Module 2 - CPC Case Studies

The CPC case studies test includes short stories that are based on situations you may come a cross in your working life. There is 7 stories with 6-8 questions for each story, you have 1 hour 15 minutes to complete the test and are required 40/50 to pass. This module is a lot easier if you have a good knowledge of your Module 1a. Some of the questions are very basic and straight forward but sometimes you may need to re-read the story again to answer the question. (Case study is valid for 2 years.)

Module 3a + 3b - PCV Driving Test

The PCV driving test will last about 90 minutes which will include; vehicle safety questions, 1 hour of practical road driving which will include 10 minutes of independent driving and an off-road exercise where you will do an 'S' shaped reverse into a bay. You must get less than 12 driving faults with no serious or dangerous faults.

Module 4 - CPC Practical Demonstration

To complete the practical demonstration you must of passed module 2. The sections you will be tested on are; load the vehicle following safety rules and to keep it secure, stop trafficking in illegal immigrants, assess emergency situations, reduce physical risks to yourself or others and do a walk round vehicle safety check. To pass you have to score at least 15 out of 20 in each section and have an overall score of at least 80 out of 100.

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